Monday, April 11, 2011

RECIPE - Pork Chops with Mango Avocado Salsa

I know what I'm making for dinner tonight!!

This kind of naturally gluten free recipe has recently become my go-to. The formula is simple. Meat + spices + vegetable oil + grill + fruit/vegetable on top = yumm. Pork is usually better with fruit, but don't be afraid to try fruit with other proteins!

For a vegetarian version, just replace the meat with black beans and a little cheese. I usually make black beans with chili powder, garlic, and cumin (essentially taco seasoning. Check out Trader Joe's taco seasoning, it's gluten free). They go really well with the fruit and are a satisfying and nutritious meal.

One note. Be careful of packaged spice blends. Some of them may contain fillers that are derived from wheat or barley. Always check the label or do your research ahead of time.

Here are a few different variations:
- pork chops + garlic/herbs + avocado/mango/tomato (this recipe)
- chicken + chili/cumin + zucchini
- steak + garlic/cumin/herbs + broccoli
- pork chops + cilantro/pepper + avocado/pineapple
- chicken + curry + peas

Ingredients (serves 4):
4 pork chops (or 2 giant ones like the picture above). I used boneless, but whatever kind you have available is fine
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp spice blend (garlic powder, salt, pepper, paprika, oregano, thyme, tiny bit of cinnamon)

1 mango, diced (I used the sindhri mango because it was on sale. It's smaller and sweeter than the typical mango)
2 vine-ripened tomatoes, diced (I was lucky to discover a tomato man at the farmers market in Union Square. Literally best tomato I've ever had. For those of you in NYC they are at the market on Wednesdays and Saturdays)
1 avocado, diced
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp lime juice
salt + pepper

For the pork, place chops into a big ziploc bag. Add vegetable oil and spices and toss together to coat. Let sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

Grill pork chops over medium-high heat (I use an indoor grill pan. Works just as well as an outdoor grill. If you are missing the smokey flavor from outdoor grilling, add a few drops of liquid smoke to the marinade). For chops as thick as I used, cook 8-10 minutes per side. For thinner chops, cook for less time. Let sit for 5 minutes before serving.

For the salsa, dice the mango and tomato and add to a medium size bowl. Add olive oil, salt, pepper and toss to coat. Then at the LAST MINUTE, dice the avocado and add to the bowl. Add lime juice right on top of avocado and toss very lightly. If you overmix the avocado breaks up too much. Right before serving toss again.

Ta Da!!

What's your favorite gluten free meal to cook on the grill??

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